Would Supershrimp eat brine shrimp?

A forum for discussing everything about the Supershrimp (Halocaridina rubra, Opae ula).

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Would Supershrimp eat brine shrimp?

Post by shmohney »

I have been hatching a bunch of brine shrimp for other purposes lately, and am wondering if by any chance the H. rubra might be interested in eating the tiny newly hatched ones if I introduced some to their tank. I haven't been able to find ANYTHING on the 'net that would indicate that this might be so, but am wondering if anyone has tried this. Available info is that they eat algae and bacterial growth, and dead material, plus various kinds of commercial fish food. I've seen nothing indicating that they could be carnivorous.

My tank had numerous "blooms" of copepods (or some other 'pod) in the first couple of months - I would see dozens or hundreds of them swarming under the tank light, and then there would be none for few days, and then they would return again. But there haven't been any in a long time, with the exception of a small number of very tiny little fast-moving red guys that flit around near the light.
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Re: Would Supershrimp eat brine shrimp?

Post by Mustafa »

They won't eat brine shrimp. They'll eat the brine shrimp once they're dead from starvation and drop to the ground, though. But then...they won't have much nutritional value anyway.
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Re: Would Supershrimp eat brine shrimp?

Post by shmohney »

That's what I thought. They were never interested in the 'pods either. Too bad. It would be fun to watch them chase down the 'pods and eat them.
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