Yet another "rainbow" shrimp post

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Yet another "rainbow" shrimp post

Post by PhaidOut »

Went to my local LFS tonight looking for CBWs and came out with 2 "rainbow" shrimp. Since I have seen many posts that these do not really exist in the hobby...unless something changed...I want to try and identify them.

The first sure looked like a red cherry at a very "light" moment - virtually colorless and has not developed any more since - but with what appears to be a white strip down it's back like my cherry shrimp. The other looks a darker brown/green in color and I didn't see any "stripe". Need to work on getting a couple good photos of them. But my initial observation I want to say they are another color variety of red cherry shrimp...Just have to work on getting those pictures (so I can see them better if nothing

Hey I'm just a little geeked I actually found a few locally - they only had two. I'm thinking I was lucky to get those. They were in a tank with a few clown loaches (1- 1.25" long). ...doh...
Posts: 19
Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:00 pm

Post by PhaidOut »

Ok, I don't have a good picture. But after watching them for a few days they are identical in appearance now to the Malaysian Rainbow Shrimp here:

Are those the real thing?
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Post by Mustafa »

That is not a "rainbow shrimp" nor ist it Malaysian. That place is "famous" for putting the wrong pictures to the wrong names and delivering even a completely different species from even the picture or the name.

That shrimp on the picture is a bluish Neocaridina sp. from China...

I would not trust anything you see on that site. Anything that sounds correct on that site (such as origins of shrimp species, scientific names etc.) comes from me (since I told them that information personally), everything else is plain wrong.
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Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:00 pm

Post by PhaidOut »

Thanks again Mustafa...

That is what I was suspecting from all the posts I had read, but again just trying to ID what I picked up at the LFS. The picture fits what I see in my tank perfectly. Color is ever so very slightly different, but the pattern is the same. They are the slightest bit more to the green side. When I had them in the bag they looked like Red Cherry - in a startled state.

Now that I know what they are that makes sense. So it is probably not a good idea to keep the two together...i.e. a mixing of the species....or are they simple different color morphs of the same species?