Black algae and tank transfer

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Black algae and tank transfer

Post by Mpalmer »

Hi! First time post here!

I have had my shrimp tank set up for about six months now. Everyone looks bright red and happy, and I have not lost a singe shrimp.

However, I have black algae that has grown over all the surfaces, but not the sides of the tank. It doesn’t seem to bother my shrimp, but it looks terrible and I’m worried it might impact them. I think it’s because of my lighting. The original tank I bought will not work with a timer. That means I have to turn the light on and off, and sometimes I forget (single mom).

So I bought a new larger aquarium. I did a bunch more research and bought sand instead of rock and added lava rocks. I think my new tank is a much better setup! The light on the new aquarium can be set on a timer. I will run this new tank for 3-6 weeks before moving in my shrimp family. I bought more snails so they can begin helping and bought live sand as well.

Questions: how do I prevent the black mold? Do I transfer the rocks from the old aquarium? Can I clean them off? Should I? I’m worried that I will accidentally leave snails buried in the rock from the old tank. Tips? Thoughts? Has anyone moved their shrimp to a new tank?
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Re: Black algae and tank transfer

Post by attygirl »

Hi - I have read on the forum many times that you should not use live sand. The bacteria in the sand will die and pollute your water and you will have an ammonia spike. The way to remedy this is very frequent water changes until the ammonia is under control. Read the post that is on top - he used substrate that caused ammonia spikes and had to do frequent water changes in the beginning. That being said, he had great results with his tank and that is why the thread is pinned at the top. Others can chime in about what to do .....

I recently upgraded my tank from a 2 gallon vase to a 5.5 gallon tank. I started with mostly new decorations and used black sand as substrate. I had a coral rock from my vase that had a little black mold on it (7 years in the vase) and I threw it out. 8)
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Re: Black algae and tank transfer

Post by Mpalmer »

That is so frustrating! I read somewhere else that live sand is crucial for jump starting the tank. Should I change the water a few times? I haven’t moved the shrimp yet, so theoretically I could dump out all of the water, rinse the sand thoroughly, and reset up the entire tank. I’m getting the feeling that’s what I should do. Thoughts?

Do I really have to throw away any decorations with black mold on them? I have all of these beautiful pieces of coral and shells that I would hate to lose. Can I just scrub them clean?

I thought I was so smart with the live sand. Obviously I should have checked here first!!
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Re: Black algae and tank transfer

Post by Mpalmer »

Help please? I don’t have the money to buy new sand. I bought live sand. I just ordered some ammonia testers. How can I still use the live sand?
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Re: Black algae and tank transfer

Post by attygirl »

I hope others will chime in - but, if you are in no hurry add the shrimp to the new tank, just wait for the ammonia to be zero. You want to get a liquid test kit, not the strips. What is the size of your new tank? Do you have any macro algae/Chaetomorpha in your new tank? That will help with the cycle and biological filter. You can buy it here or on eBay.

From what I read, you will have to do frequent water changes so it may be easier to start over. Inert sand is pretty cheap. But, if that is not an option, let it cycle for a few months until you get consistent zero ammonia readings.

As for the black mold, I tried scrubbing it off the rock from my vase and it would not come off. Maybe it formed on your decor due to the lighting issue and since your original tank is only 6 months old (mine was 7 years old), it will be easy to scrub off - just don’t use any chemicals to remove it. I would also soak the cleaned decor in distilled water for a few days before adding the decor to the new tank.

Hope this helps. 8)
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Re: Black algae and tank transfer

Post by Vorteil »

Very easy solution. Do not use a live sand substrate. If you do it must be thoroughly washed. More than likely the live bacteria has died. Just start all over. If you want to use your decoration just wash them in boiling water. Black algae is not good. What's you regimen for your tank? Food? water?
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