HELP!!! Shrimp swimming on side?

A forum for discussing everything about the Supershrimp (Halocaridina rubra, Opae ula).

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HELP!!! Shrimp swimming on side?

Post by NewShrimp »

Hi all.

Today, I turned on my shrimp light this morning as usual, and my one shrimp was on the glass and seemed completely fine. A few minutes later, he swam to the top of the water. When he swam back down, it looked like he was holding onto something. I don't know how to describe it; it just looked like he was holding on to some sort of clear object. He swam back down with it, and began swimming on his side. Sometimes he sits on his back and flails his legs. I thought that maybe he's trying to molt, and that the clear piece it looked like he was hanging on to was his molt, but then I read that shrimp usually hide when molting and that they stay still. He went into the cave for a bit where I saw him flailing around through the holes in it, but now he's back on the outside of the cave flailing on his back.

Nitrates and nitrites are at 0 ppm. Ammonia is at 0.25 ppm. I tried to change the water before in the past to get it down to 0, but it stayed at 0.25. The shrimp have always seemed fine with it, so I never thought this ammonia level was a problem. I also thought it would make sense that there'd always be some small amount of ammonia in the tank since there's no filter, but correct me if I'm wrong.

I attached 2 photos that aren't the best quality, but you can see the clear piece hanging off of him. I circled it in the one photo.

Should I do a water change to get rid of the ammonia? Is he trying to molt? Should I turn off the light? He literally seemed completely fine until I turned on the light and he swam to the top. What should I do? Please help! :(

Update: He is now in the corner of the tank curled up on his side with not much movement. I read that shrimp curl up when trying to molt, and at this point, I'm assuming that he's just trying molt. I hope he makes it. What could be some causes of him struggling to molt?
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Re: HELP!!! Shrimp swimming on side?

Post by Mustafa »

Unfortunately, your shrimp is dying. Sounds like it's poisoning of some sort, and from what you're saying it seems like ammonia may be the issue. And no, it's not normal for ammonia to be present in filterless tanks. Nitrifying bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrite and nitrate are present all over the tank, not just in filters. If your tank is not brand new, then something is rotting and causing an ammonia spike. After finding out what the culprit is, I'd do a 90+ percent water change and leave the tank alone for a month or two or three. No feeding...nothing.

So, why don't you tell us (and show us via pictures) how and with what you set up your tank and we'll go from there.
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Re: HELP!!! Shrimp swimming on side?

Post by NewShrimp »

Thanks for your reply!

The tank is 1 gallon. I set it up almost a year ago using distilled water. I bought the substrate, calcium carbonate pebbles, macroalgae, and supershrimp salt from the PetShrimp store. The only thing in the tank not from the PetShrimp store is their cave, which I bought from a pet store. I only ever fed the shrimp when I first put them in the tank. Their bellies are always visibly full, and I only have 2 of them from an ecosphere, so I'm afraid that I'll overfeed them. There's always algae for them to eat in the tank. I only ever top off the water with distilled water. Here are some pictures. I have no idea what is poisoning them, unless they never ate the food I put in for them almost a year ago. My only other thought is the rock, but it's from a pet store and made for aquariums.

Could their poop accumulate in the substrate and be causing the ammonia levels? They seem to poop a lot. When doing a water change in the past to try to get the ammonia down, I rinsed off their cave a bit since poop was visible on it. I thought that maybe their waste is contributing to the ammonia, but I'm not sure.

I saw the shrimp this morning. One minute he swims around normally, and the next he's on his side. Should I move the shrimp out of the tank for now into another container until I find out what's causing the ammonia?
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Tiny Shrimp
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Re: HELP!!! Shrimp swimming on side?

Post by shrimpnoobie »

Hi, any updates on your shrimp? Did you set up a hospital tank?
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Re: HELP!!! Shrimp swimming on side?

Post by NewShrimp »

shrimpnoobie wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 11:02 am Hi, any updates on your shrimp? Did you set up a hospital tank?
Hi there!

I did the 90% water change like Mustafa suggested. I've been testing the water everyday. There is still ammonia in the tank, so I've been doing 50% water changes every other day. The sick shrimp is still alive. He can still move around the tank and eat. Sometimes he swims normally, and sometimes on his side. Occasionally he gets stuck on his back, but he's always able to upright himself again. The other shrimp I have is still completely fine. I'm not sure if my sick shrimp is swimming sideways from the ammonia or from the ammonia and something else. It looks like the sick shrimp's legs are somewhat bent, unless I'm looking too much into it. He is mainly using his swimmerets to get around. I will try to see if I can get a better photo of him.

I also moved my tank to natural, indirect light. Before, the tank was in my room, and I had to use a tank light. I think they like the natural indirect light much better than their tank light.

I did not set up a hospital tank. If you think I should though, I absolutely can until the ammonia goes away. If I should set up a hospital tank, how should I set it up? Can I just pour some distilled water with supershrimp salt into a container and move the shrimp into it?

Thanks for your help! :)
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Re: HELP!!! Shrimp swimming on side?

Post by shrimpnoobie »

NewShrimp wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 1:07 pm
shrimpnoobie wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 11:02 am Hi, any updates on your shrimp? Did you set up a hospital tank?
Hi there!

I did the 90% water change like Mustafa suggested. I've been testing the water everyday. There is still ammonia in the tank, so I've been doing 50% water changes every other day. The sick shrimp is still alive. He can still move around the tank and eat. Sometimes he swims normally, and sometimes on his side. Occasionally he gets stuck on his back, but he's always able to upright himself again. The other shrimp I have is still completely fine. I'm not sure if my sick shrimp is swimming sideways from the ammonia or from the ammonia and something else. It looks like the sick shrimp's legs are somewhat bent, unless I'm looking too much into it. He is mainly using his swimmerets to get around. I will try to see if I can get a better photo of him.

I also moved my tank to natural, indirect light. Before, the tank was in my room, and I had to use a tank light. I think they like the natural indirect light much better than their tank light.

I did not set up a hospital tank. If you think I should though, I absolutely can until the ammonia goes away. If I should set up a hospital tank, how should I set it up? Can I just pour some distilled water with supershrimp salt into a container and move the shrimp into it?

Thanks for your help! :)
Hi! It seems like you have the situation under control..... if you want to set up a hospital tank you can with a substrate and a source of calcium (you can use a clean eggshell in a pinch!). I have this ammonia clearer serum thing i got a from the pet store (I think it is API brand) that helped me clear ammonia from my tank once. I forgot if my shrimp were symptomatic or I just happened to get a high ammonia reading. Good luck!! Update this thread if you can.
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Re: HELP!!! Shrimp swimming on side?

Post by shrimpnoobie »

Oh sorry for double post but I fully agree about the natural light. It seems way better for the shrimp, temperature control and algae growth if you live somewhere with enough light. And yes, mix your salt measure your salinity and add it to your tank with sand and the eggshell!
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Re: HELP!!! Shrimp swimming on side?

Post by NewShrimp »

shrimpnoobie wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:35 pm Oh sorry for double post but I fully agree about the natural light. It seems way better for the shrimp, temperature control and algae growth if you live somewhere with enough light. And yes, mix your salt measure your salinity and add it to your tank with sand and the eggshell!
Thanks for all of your help!

I tested the water today and there's still ammonia, so I'll do another 50% water change tomorrow. However, both of my shrimp have been way more active today than the past few days. I think it's mainly because it's cloudy and rainy here, so there's a bit less light for them today; they seem to like darker conditions. I did notice, though, that my sick shrimp seems to be swimming around alright! I've yet to see him flop over on his side or back today. He did try to swim up the side of the tank and seemed to struggle a bit, but other than that, he seems to be doing better!

I don't think I'll set up a hospital tank for now since they both seem to be doing alright. If either of them start acting worse or if the ammonia doesn't go away within the next week, then I will.

Do you know the name of the ammonia serum that you used? If not, no worries. :)
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