Hello and help please - who's eating my shrimp?

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Hello and help please - who's eating my shrimp?

Post by tjt »

Hi all, new to fishkeeping (3 months) my tank has been stable and I had a small colony of 9 cherry shrimp. They were usually out and active during daylight hours and happily grazing in my tank. All was good for about a month.

All the shrimp are hiding now. two days ago I found one dead. Today one of them is missing several legs and I'm freaking out....up until now I thought it may have been a chemical problem of one sort or another...I'm doing pretty well, but I don't have a ton of experience...now I'm suspecting I have a killer fish but I'm not sure who to blame.

All of the fish I selected are supposed to be peaceful community fish, but now I'm lost. any advice would be most appreciated! Thanks!

Fish Population:
4 swordtails (1.5 inches w/o tail)
4 Bumblebee gobies (1 inch)
12 celestial pearl danios (1/2 inch) - sometimes called Galaxy Rasboras
3 five banded barbs
1 lizard loach

Tank info:
26 gallon planted tank
ammonia/nitrite/nitrate all zeroed and stable
PH 7.8
Temperature 78 degrees
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Re: Hello and help please - who's eating my shrimp?

Post by zapisto »

any of you other animal in this tank can have your cherry as a snack.

i recommend you read this articles , and specially point number 11
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Re: Hello and help please - who's eating my shrimp?

Post by Mustafa »

If your lizard loach is Nemacheilus rueppelli, also called a "mongoose loach", then it's the most likely culprit. Inverts are their natural food.
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Re: Hello and help please - who's eating my shrimp?

Post by alexbullen »

the bumblebee gobies won't be doing them any favours either...